

Frequently asked questions - Schools

When will Stride For Education be held?
The Stride For Education challenge will be held over 12 fun-filled days from 14 to 25 November 2022.

When can I register?
Registration for Stride For Education will open on Monday 10 October at Class groups and students that register by 5pm Friday 21 October (AWDST) will go into the draw for an early bird prize.
Registrations will close at 5pm Friday 11 November (AWDST).
How can primary school students participate?
Primary school students can participate in class groups of up to 33 students. Registration can be completed by a teacher/school official at from Monday 10 October.

Teachers/school officials will be able to manually upload the number of kilometres students run, walk and wheel, for those in wheelchairs.

How can high school students participate?
High school teachers can register their class teams of up to 33 students; students then register their individual profile as part of the team. Students will be able to upload their data via their fitness watch, or manually upload the number of kilometres they run, walk and wheel, for those in wheelchairs.

Registration can be completed at from Monday 10 October.

What will the daily challenge videos contain?
Throughout the challenge, teachers and students will gain access to videos where they will meet our staff in our four partner communities - Woorabinda and Palm Island in Queensland, and Wurrumiyanga and Galiwin’ku in the Northern Territory. Community Spirit Foundation staff will share what makes their community special to them, including the languages they speak, the sports they play and the traditional practises they enjoy.

There will also be some guided activities to keep students motivated through movement and creativity. 

When will I be able to access the videos?
The videos will be available from the Friday before each challenge week.

Do I have to select a challenge distance?
No. Every step you take will help to raise awareness of our work. The challenge distances are provided as a guide only to help you stay motivated.

How can I promote the initiative in my school?
When your school registers, you will receive access to posters, social media tiles and videos to help you promote the event in your school and community. 
Please reach out to our team at if we can provide further support.
Does my school have to fundraise to take part?
No. Stride For Education is designed to raise awareness about our work. However, if your school community would like to support the delivery of our programs, you can donate at

Will I be able to keep track of how my class team and school is going?
Absolutely! We’re all for a bit of healthy competition. Throughout the challenge, you’ll be able to check the leaderboard to see how you’re performing against other schools.

Where can I find out more about Community Spirit Foundation?
You can find out more about Community Spirit Foundation at